The video documentation of the interview series in 2020, 11’ 16”.

I recorded young self-boarding households’ answers to the question,
"What are your most desired conditions or items in your one-person household?"
and overlapped cooperative drawings of our detailed ideas.

Actualizing-Better-Life Kit' for One-Person Households 1: Hand Excersizing Tool
'Actualizing-Better-Life Kit' for One-Person Households 2: Erasing Kitchen Smell Kit
‘Actualizing-Better-Life Kit' for One-Person Households 3: Growing Plants Home Equipment

digital images, Nov 2020©


The schematic drawings of Actualizing-a-Better-Life Kit series visualize low-income city dwellers’ answers
shown on the interview The Necessities for Better Lives of One-Person Households (2020).

For instance, the second edition of a three-part series, Erasing-Kitchen-Smell Kit,
aimed to parodically visualize one interviewee's dreams of “space without the smell of food waste,”
implying a potential of mass production.

For the installation Actualizing-a-Better-Life Kit for One-Person Households: Erasing-Kitchen-Smell Kit (2021),
I gathered and collaged materials from local dollar shops based on interviewees’ answers and actual income.
The items that were advertised to realize the dream ultimately failed due to the cheapening effects of materialism.

©2022 Okyoung Noh. All rights reserved.