Chimera 1: Phylogenesis. performance film
키메라 1: 계통발생. 퍼포먼스 필름

13 minutes 9 seconds

Filmed on April 29, 2024
2024년 4월 29일 촬영

Duderstadt Center
듀더스탈트 센터

Chimera is an immersive movement-based sound-optics-focused performance installation, in collaboration with AAPI Performance Collective IS/LAND, and optics researcher, Do Young Kim.

The video features three dancers exploring, confronting, and ultimately dismantling a giant, vertical installation that sits in the center of focus. The installation serves as a visual allegory for the white supremacist patriarchy that many AAPI women have historically encountered in western society, manifested most recently in the pervasive pattern of anti-Asian hate crimes inflicted mostly on women. Cloaked within the fabric of this installation, the dancers’ movements are immersed in mutation - attempting at first to assimilate but then, acknowledging the futility of the endeavor, emboldening their movements and bodies in anger and frustration. The dancers eventually subsume pieces of the establishment into a new creature: monstrous yet powerful, unshackled and on the cusp of liberation from the oppressive structure, creating something new and previously unimaginable - a Chimera.

퍼포먼스 영상 <키메라>는 광학 연구자 김도영과 북미를 중심으로 활동하는 아시아-태평양계 미국인 퍼포먼스 그룹 IS/LAND와의 협업으로 제작되었다.

3인의 아시아계 여성 무용수들이 거대한 흰색 설치물로 형상화된 미국 사회의 구조적 차별을 분해하고, 한데 얽혀 춤추며, 이를 대체하는 새로운 크리처를 유기적 움직임으로 형상화한다.

이들의 움직임은 정적이고 곧은 것이 아닌 동적이고 얽힌 것, 단수가 아닌 복수인 신체를 상징적으로 드러낸다. 분기되고 결합하고 증식하는 세포의 이미지와 더불어 무용수들의 신체는 변형되고, 확장된다. 

Exhibitions and Selected Screenings:
Leaning Against the Wrong Place, Tribowl, South Korea (2024)
Toronto International Women Film Festival, Canada (2024)
KYLYN APIA Arts & Culture Festival, United States (2024)


Director: Okyoung Noh
Editor: Okyoung Noh, Chien-An Yuan
Dancers/Choreographers: Mia Brooks, S. Jean Lee, Catherine Miller
Music: Whodat, Chien-An Yuan
Installation: Okyoung Noh
Video Projection: Do Young Kim, Okyoung Noh, Chien-An Yuan
Producer: Okyoung Noh
Executive Producer: Do Young Kim

Camera Operators: Eesha Nagwani, Maddie Vassalo, Luke Rademacher, Dylan Chen, Mya Enxer, Aaron Williams

Tech Team: Patterson Mckinney (Managing Producer), Matt Giard (Assistant Audio Studio Manager), Catherine Miller (Assistant Video Studio Manager), Steve Eberle (MSA, Associate Director)

Sponsor: ArtsEngine