I Take Care of You, and (We) Survive 나는 너를 보살피고 살아남지

video and participatory installation, Mar 2024

A performance video, I Take Care of You, and (We) Survive, is installed in the center of the gallery space. The video shows the artist massaging a performer covered by a cloth lying on a massage table. Starting from a Pietà-like pose, the artist rubs and presses the body under her hands. The body, seemingly lifeless at the beginning, starts to come alive and interacts with these touches. Their intertwined movements on the table appear loving, fighting, and caring. These moving images are woven with videos of other workers’ hands whom the artist has interviewed. The interviewed voices, witnessing their migration and labor experiences, overlap with the footage. Audiences are asked to lie on the same table and watch the video through a face port.