To Be Insivible (as a Defector). video
(탈북자로서) 보이지 않는 법. 영상

video (4K color, no sound). 10’ 00”. Sep 2023

The performance video, To Be Invisible (as a Defector) (2023) presents a North Korean female defector slowly moving around the room while covering her body with a white black-out curtain for 10 minutes. Her silent, ghostly movement had been developed while evading Chinese public security for a decade. Her movement urges audiences to reflect on the weight of invisible, silenced lives.


퍼포먼스 영상인 <(탈북자로서) 보이지 않는 법 To Be Invisible (as a Defector)> (2023)은 중국 공안을 10년 동안 피해 살았던 탈북자 여성의 조심스러운 움직임을 10분짜리 무성 영상으로 담았다.

Directed by Okyoung Noh
Performed by Mrs. Kim
Video by Dohyeon Lee
Edited by Okyoung Noh

photo by Seokwoo Song

Screenings and Exhibitions:
Leaning Against the Wrong Place. TriBowl. South Korea (2024)