The Series of 'Actualizing-Better-Life’ Kit for One-Person Households. installation

digital print on an acrylic box, acrylic, plastic objects from dollar shop and caption stickers, dimension variable. 2020

For the installation Actualizing-a-Better-Life Kit for One-Person Households: Erasing-Kitchen-Smell Kit (2021), I gathered and collaged materials from local dollar shops based on interviewees’ answers and actual income. The items that were advertised to realize the dream ultimately failed due to the cheapening effects of materialism.

Photo by Janghwal Lim

    'Actualizing-Better-Life Kit' for One-Person Households 1
    Hand Excersizing Tool

    'Actualizing-Better-Life Kit' for One-Person Households 2
    Erasing Kitchen Smell Kit
    ‘Actualizing-Better-Life Kit' for One-Person Households  3
    Growing Plants Home Equipment

    Photo by Yiyun Yang
    Interview by Yeung** Lee and Young** Gwon

    Research and Development Process >>

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